Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i hold out hope but thats just me

so it's new years and you have no one to spend it with. Fireworks are going off . You stay at home and watch the ball drop and nothing seems to be going your way these days. You imagine yourself in New York city with all those happy people and then you turn on “radio days” and skip to the end so you can watch the new years eve party there and imagine you're with them welcoming in 1944 and filled with hope.real genuine hope.

here's a playlist to welcome in the new years with some of my favorite songs ever.


1.Skankin Queen by The Bodines

2. New Years Kiss by Casiotone For the Painfully Alone

3. Back on the Chain Gang by The Pretenders

4. Contrast and Compare by Bright Eyes

5. Go and Tell Your Father by The Cannannes

6. Tugboat by Galaxie 500

7. Black Cab by Jens Lekman

8. Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega

hopefully by tomorrow i will have put up my top albums of 2008. ive been lazy lately so i'll kick it in gear.

i hope you guys have a good new years spending it with people you love and hopefully 2009 will be a bit better than 2008.

have fun.

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