Afterwards my aunt had a graduation party planned for my cousin Stewart. I rode home with him in his new truck. He was proud to have a sun roof and we rode with it open the whole way back. I didn’t complain because living out in the country like they do the stars are much more visible. We were the first ones back to the house and Stewart did not want to have this party. His mom had a chocolate milk toast planned (his favorite drink) and other surprises. Perhaps the thing that aggravated him the most was a photo hanging by the food table. He yelled, “Brian look at it. Isnt it the gayest thing you’ve ever seen?! Brian, please, take it down. They won’t notice. Just take it down.” All the while I could not stop laughing. I took a picture so I wouldn’t forget it.
Whenever there is a food that I love that I don’t eat very often I tend to have the problem of overeating. Last night was no exception as I was presented with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. I preceded to eat somewhere around 15 of them and promptly felt like throwing up everywhere. I spent the rest of the night sitting down and occasionally moaning.
On a side note I cut myself shaving last night right on the corner of my mouth and it hurts so bad. I cant yawn or drink orange juice indefinitely.
Haha. This post sounds so very Woody Allen-esque.
haha thanks. have you been watching any more of his movies lately?
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